
March 23, 2022

Canada’s First Organic Campus at Acadia University

A small Eastern Canadian campus with an enormous sustainable heart, Acadia was eager to host the launch as the first university enrolled in the program, it marked the start of their official campaign to becoming an ‘Organic Campus’ and adding the designation to their already long list of sustainable achievements.
March 10, 2022

21 Reasons to Choose Organic

Beyond the farm, the organic standards apply to the preparing, handling, packaging, and transportation of organic products. This includes rules regarding ingredients; processing aids; cleaning, disinfecting and sanitizing; substances for pest control; segregation from non-organic products during handling, transportation and storage; and, much more. Choosing organic food and products helps produce healthy food for all. Here are 21 reasons to make the change and start choosing organic!
March 31, 2021

Inspector Insights & Organic Integrity

Committed to the organic sector for the past 9 years, Sébastien Houle is working to build a more sustainable world as the General Manager of Ecocert Canada. Ecocert is recognized with 30 years of auditing and certification experience in more than 150 different standards, including organic certification in over 130 countries.