1What does it really mean to be "certified organic"?
It means that a third party has certified that it meets an organic standard.
If it is a seed, animal feed, or human food in Canada, it must meet the regulated legal standards of the Canada Organic Regime (COR) which is part of the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations if it is traded between provinces or exported. If it is traded only within a province, it must meet that province’s standard. Currently, the following provinces have their own organic regulations: British Columbia, Manitoba, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Alberta. Other provinces are in the process of developing organic standards.
Imported products must meet the standards of COR or be part of an equivalency arrangement which is a trade agreement which recognizes the similarities and differences between the two countries’ organic standards. Canada has organic equivalency arrangements with Costa Rica, European Union, Japan, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom, and the United States.
Non-food items might also have “organic” on their label. These items include textiles, personal care items like cosmetics, pet food, supplements, and household products. In some cases, these non-food items have voluntary, third-party certifications which are widely recognized such as the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) and Cosmetic Organic and Natural Standard (COSMOS).
Organic is an internationally recognized method of agriculture and food processing that is recognized across the globe. So, when you see organic on the label, you can be sure it meets a rigorous standard.
2Why is choosing organic better for the environment?
With organic production, the adjacent natural systems such as hedgerows, forests, rivers and ponds are more robust with a healthy variety of species. Local, healthy systems translate into healthy global eco-systems.
Organic production is a system that replenishes the soil without the use of fossil-fuel based synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, and genetic engineering (GMOs). Organic prohibits certain methods and substances such as hydroponics, irradiation, sewage sludge, growth hormones and the routine use of antibiotics. In processed products, organic prohibits artificial ingredients such as artificial colour, flavours, and preservatives.
Organic focuses on soil health through cover cropping, crop rotations, composted manure, conservation tillage, biological pest controls such as beneficial insects, and good treatment of animals. Organic production results in increased that biodiversity and healthier waterways.
Studies have shown organically farmed fields sequester more carbon at deeper depths due to the soil fertility, even with some tillage practices that disturb the soil structure.
3What are the main reasons to choose organic?
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4Is organic better for your health?
Eating organically means you can help to avoid pesticide residues on your fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes. Plus, you are getting extra nutrients.
Organic fruits and vegetables have been shown to have greater micro-nutrients and flavour profile due to the growing context which creates antioxidants, polyphenols, and flavonoids which strengthens the immune systems of humans that eat these plants.
Plus, you’ll know that the eggs, dairy, meat, and fish products you consume come from a system dedicated to excellence in animal care.
5Why is organic farming better than conventional farming?
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6What is regenerative farming?
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